Exciting Summer Releases from LifeBound

We are launching many new and exciting things at LifeBound over the next month and we are looking forward to sharing them with our audience. Among the many projects, including designing our new book DOLLARS AND SENSE: HOW TO BE SMART ABOUT MONEY and the launching of the Virtual Academy, our new website in the next two weeks.

Not only will this new website be rich with tips, resources, and assessments for students, parents, and educators, we will also be expanding our presence on the blogosphere to include a blog for college students, high school students, and parents. Yesterday we introduced Bette Alkazian as one of our weekly contributors to the LifeBound parent blog and on Tuesday we introduced Kaitlin Phelan as one of our weekly contributors to the high school student blog.

This Friday, college blogger Brandy Castner will blog on women who have made a difference in the military from the perspective of a young, female veteran. Then next week, another college blogger, Nicoll Laikola, will share her international perspective of being a woman raised by an American father and Panamanian mother in the U.S. Other college contributors to look forward to this summer include Grainne Griffths, Michael De Santiago, and Zach Vito.

I appreciate your faithful readership of the Carol J. Carter blog and look forward to offering you more perspectives, visions, and support in your daily lives. Please let us know what is on your mind and how we might help you with your challenges.

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