Gen Y’ers are fast realizing that the days of acting like your boss works for you are over. In this new economic climate, as the article below implies, Gen Y’ers are learning to be both effective and humble in their business approach. They are realizing that coming to work early, staying late, taking on greater responsibility and looking for specific and measurable ways to solve problems contribute directly to their employability and promotability. Impacting the company’s bottom line is the measure of their contributions and often the deciding factor in whether or not someone is retained during tough times. They are also realizing that strong work exposure—the ability to really contribute on the job—trumps a non-thinking, non-active job where there is little productivity output or long term results to show.
Additionally, Gen Y’ers are learning to look at their job as an opportunity to contribute and to build valuable personal and professional skills which can help them catapult to a positions of greater responsibility and pay once the economy turns around. Those who can deliver these kinds of results will be the fuel of the new economy and the drivers of their own unlimited potential.
If you are an out of work Gen Yer because you took some liberties with a former employer or job, make amends. Admit your faults. Don’t let your pride keep you from learning your lessons, mending fences and building rapport which can help you the rest of your career. Being stubborn is a career stopper. Learning to be flexible is a career builder.
Chronicle of Higher Education
When the oldest members of Generation Y (born roughly 1978 to 1993) began graduating from college several years ago, a collective groan was heard in offices throughout Corporate America.
People said many Gen Y-ers, also called Millennials, had an excess sense of entitlement and were arrogant and lazy. They wanted to do work on their terms and it seemed they wanted feedback on that work every five minutes.
But then the economy tanked. Now, millions of Gen Y-ers are reinventing themselves to show how much, and how quickly, they can add value to their organizations.
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