It’s summer and many new graduates are getting ready to make their first career move. Some grads are relocating to follow a dream or take an offered position. Others are searching locally or digitally for a career that will keep them close to home, while others are still brainstorming before making any decisions. Transitioning from school to life overnight can be stressful. All of a sudden new grads are faced with a new lifestyle full of adult freedoms, as well as adult pressures to hurry up and find a job. In addition to the new stresses of a transition, college grads may also face push-back from friends, family, bosses, and coworkers about how their choosing to approach the rest of their lives.
When you were choosing a major, did your friends, family, and teachers whole-heartedly support your decision? When you began a new relationship, did your friends and family support you from the get-go? Were your goals ever swayed by someone’s reaction to your decisions? At this uncertain time as a new grad, it can be especially confusing and angering to not have people supporting your decisions. After spending most of your life preparing for this moment, you still might not know where your career choices will ultimately take you, but you have an idea of how you want the next chapter in your life to go.
If you’re not getting support from friends and family to follow your dreams, know that it isn’t necessarily because you are making a bad decision. And, if it is because you are making a bad decision, it’s probably a mistake you will have to experience to understand — no matter how much those who care about you want to protect you from getting hurt. As you get closer to reaching your goals, stand firm. Fear, jealousy, experience, selfishness, etc. can all motivate people to try and discourage you from living a life they think you shouldn’t have. Take a risk, get out of your comfort zone, and follow your heart. There you will find yourself and what makes you happy, personally and professionally.