On-line Resources to Power Your Job Search

Whether you just graduated or you’ve been looking for a job for the last several months, there are many on-line resources for you to tap into to make connections with the right people and, ultimately, land the job you want or the one which will be a bridge to better work in the future.


Networking, the old-fashioned door-to-door searching, and the classifieds are still legitimate ways to see what the workforce has to offer but increasing your presence online and reaching out through online services could be the missing piece to your job-search success.

The following are five ways you can use online tools to better your chances of landing a job:

1.  Analyze your digital profile. Is your on-line resume the most effective it can be? Are there links to your former employers, people who can give you references and the projects you delivered?  Are there any YouTube videos or other social media that can enhance your digital resume and show how you can serve a future employer?

2. Talk to alumni. Most colleges offer programs that allow students to network with other alumni. See what alumni programs your school has to offer before or after graduation to get the perspective of someone who entered the world of work from a similar position as you.

3. Use social networking. Need a job lead? Ask your friends on Facebook if they know of anything or know anyone that they would be willing to connect you to. If you aren’t on LinkedIn yet, you’re missing out on a colorful network where you can meet people from around the world who looking for employees, partners, ideas, conversation, and much more.

4. Click on the classifieds. Sites like Craigslist, Monster, Career Builder, and local online newspaper listings are great ways to see what jobs are out there locally and nationally. If you are moving and looking for work, online job listings are a great way to look for a job before packing up the car.

5. Do your research. The Bureau of Labor Statistics offers an Occupational Outlook Handbook at www.bls.gov/oco. Learn about growth, salary, skills, education, and tasks associated with your chosen profession.

There are many ways to make valuable connections with others through the web.  Think of how you can also help others with expertise that you have.  Reaching out to others is one of the best ways to keep your confidence, boost your self-esteem and help others achieve their goals while you accomplish yours.


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