Teacher Tuesday Tip

It’s back to school and time for teachers and students to find the focus for next semester and the approaching new school year. Below is an activity from the LifeBound curriculum for Majoring in the Rest of Your Life. This activity can be used in the first week of class to promote discussion and get students thinking positively about their future, reflecting on what they want for their professional, personal, and physical futures, and sharing their dreams with their peers.

ACTIVITY: Writing a Success Story

Materials needed: Pen and paper

This activity calls for students to create their own short story using their future self as a main character. Tell the students to write a “success story” in which the lead character has fulfilled their dreams and ambitions. Students should write this story in the third person to help them detach from the main character and keep a more objective viewpoint.

Present the following question to help the students craft their stories. Encourage them to provide responses for several different ages.

Turning Points:

At age________ this happened:__________________. It affected me by __________________.

Other questions to consider while creating the story:

  • What do you typically wear to work?
  • Where do you live (city, country, etc.)?
  • What type of housing do you have?
  • Who is the first person you see each day?
  • How much money do you earn? What other perks do you receive from working?

Adapt this activity for any age group by adjusting the questions and the ultimate goal. This activity helps students identify and clarify their goals, thereby setting themselves up to connect with what’s important to them and to help them finish the school year strong.

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