In the article below, Gina Greco, a professor of English at Hudson Valley Community College, explains why on-line learning has opened up her true passion for teaching and what you need to do as a faculty member to be
effective at teaching in this environment. One big difference is how you communicate to students through writing with a pithy, positive style. Most of her students are older, returning and have lacked success in their other academic endeavors. This is a fresh start to change habits and lives through education. This medium has tremendous power to transform learning around the world.
Right now, I am in the cab riding to the airport. My cab driver, Tom, is enrolled in all on-line classes through the University of Phoenix. As a returning adult student, he says that the fluid nature of his classes keeps his mind mentally sharp all day long as he considers class assignments and issues while driving his cab. Tom makes use of his downtime waiting for clients while he uses his Broadband Access card.   He is a marketing major and has creatively developed an internship, which accommodates his schedule, his classes and his family. In addition to being hard-working and creative, he showed up to pick me up this morning fifteen minutes early. This type of industriousness is just what our graduates need to create every advantage for themselves in any economy.
A Reaffirmation of Why I Became an Educator
“Impersonal, disconnected, and unfulfilling.” That is how I would have answered if you asked me 10 years ago what I thought of online teaching. As a teacher, I feed off the energy of the crowd and thrive on exciting and entertaining my students to the point of drawing even the most resistant into attending class. When the economy and my growing family necessitated that I teach online as well as in the classroom, I couldn’t have been more surprised by the satisfaction and joy that could come from a distance-learning program.
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