Summer-bridge programs are making a difference

Carol’s Summary:

Seattle school districts are providing summer-bridge programs that are among the most intensive in the nation. This 5 1/2 week summer program offers freshmen academic review, a chance to build relationships with new teachers, and an introduction to high school activities. Summer-bridge programs are growing nationwide and are making a difference in ninth-grade pass rates and discipline and self-esteem problems.

The school sends invitation letters to families with graduating middle schoolers who would benefit from the program, using factors such as grades and attendance. In one of Seattle’s summer-bridge intensives, four days a week the students reviewed math and language arts in the morning followed by enrichment classes in the afternoon – offering classes like cooking, robotics, and martial arts. Then on Fridays, the class learned about college and did community service. Even the popular one week program that is found nationwide makes a difference in a students transition into high school. Meeting teachers and getting familiar with the campus sets the tone through developing personal relationships before the school year begins. If the students have strong friendships and rapport with teachers, they tend to do better in school.

LifeBound’s books, MAKING THE MOST OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL and STUDY SKILLS FOR HIGH SCHOOL are the two most popular resources for summer bridge and summer academy programs. Other resources include LEADERSHIP FOR TEENAGERS and CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING FOR TEENAGERS.

Article: Summer-bridge classes help kids kick-start high school

Before this summer, Josh Chase wasn’t sure he was prepared for high school. He wanted to do better than he had in middle school when he went through a rough time at home, but worried he was too far behind.

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