‘Teaching Unprepared Students’

From the Chronicle of Higher Education, November 25, 2008

Many experts say that the United States can only truly see gains in the percentages of adults who have a college degree if colleges and universities get better at teaching students who arrived on campus unprepared for college-level work. But many professors find themselves frustrated by teaching such students — and many of the students drop out.

Kathleen F. Gabriel’s new book is designed to help such faculty members and, ultimately, their students. Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education was just published by Stylus. In an e-mail interview, Gabriel, a professor of education at California State University at Chico, explained some of the key points of the book.

— Scott Jaschik

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One Response to “‘Teaching Unprepared Students’”

  1. Carol says:

    Kathleen’s Gabriel’s new book, TEACHING UNPREPARED STUDENTS, creates a bridge between the students who enter college under-prepared or unprepared and the college professors who teach them. “If we are sincere about giving at-risk students who are enrolled in our classes a real chance of success, then professors must also be engaged and just refer these students to academic support or tutoring centers,” says Gabriel.

    Questions to consider:

    1) How can college professors get faculty training that is specifically geared to helping the at-risk entering college student?

    2) How can college professors get coaching skills to skillfully question, engage and inspire the apathetic or unprepared learner?

    3) How can colleges collaborate more effectively with their feeder high schools to
    set standards and measurements to turn this situation around?

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